Grocery shopping isn't my favorite thing to do with two three year olds. In fact, many times I ask myself why in the world I do it. I have recently discovered a way to shop with them and the three of us genuinely look forward to the experience, it so much fun for them now.
Start with a store that offers little shopping carts and let them be in charge of picking out produce and putting the groceries in their own cart:
Promise them a ride on the ponies at the end and let them be as silly as they want to be:Start with a store that offers little shopping carts and let them be in charge of picking out produce and putting the groceries in their own cart:
Finally, if they don't crash into other shoppers or knock down displays (which will surely happen someday), they get a donut.
We all drive home calm and happy. We spent more than we planned to since I was able to take my time and browse more, but I think it was well worth it.
That is so cute. I always hesitate to get the little shopping carts but should give it a try and see if it works out.
I would try that with Ty, but I am pretty sure that hitting the other people and the displays would be a great game for him.
You've found out my trick...well, only part if it! We do the Smith's Marketplace mini carts (is that where you go, or do they offer them somewhere else??) but not the donuts or fun ride...I'll have to remember that for when it gets really hard :)...but what to do with my crazy one year old is my biggest problem...
Great ideas, they look super happy!
Kristi, Smiths has them and so does Macy's. Macy's gives them a balloon when the return the cart too =) I haven't been there in forever.
what a great idea! i've never been to a store that offers those tiny carts. maybe it's just something the utah stores do.
ruby would LOVE that!
you're girls are DARLING!!!
This is fantastic! I can definitely do step 2 (mini carts), step 3 (ponies) and step 4 (donuts). I just seem to be stuck on step 1 (Have twins in the first place)
The little shopping carts are a HUGE hit in my family. It keeps my 6yo son with me the whole time. We also go to the bakery and get the complimentary cookie for him to eat while we shop.
Such great ideas. I want to cry everytime I take Kimball to the store...
Seriously, so cute! That looks like so much fun I may have to try it. (My kids always insist on riding IN the cart, so there's no where to put the groceries. I refuse to go with the 3 of them.)
Can I go shopping with you too - and if I'm good can I get a donut as well?
good idea...I'll try it in 3 years. :) Miss you lady.
You definitely have it down to a science! Every time I run in to you in the store you are calm and completely in control. Amazing! :)
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