Saturday, September 13, 2008

How to throw a FANCY party:

Step 1: Start with a fancy girl about to turn 6.

Step 2: Send out your fanciest invites to all your friends.
Step 3: Hand make an apron for each guest, using the fanciest coordinating
fabrics you can find, use ric rac, ribbon and all sorts of fancy trim and stitching.
Step 4: Gather all your fancy books, candy, ribbon and
balloons and arrange then perfectly for the centerpiece
Step 5: Invite lots of fancy girls and have them make their lunch
(complete with pink, red and purple bread for the sandwiches)
while wearing the fancy aprons you made.

Step 6: Make giant cupcakes with to-die-for buttercream,

add lots of sprinkles, ribbon, diamond rings and butterflies,

all glittery and fancy, of course.

Step 7: Let the girls eat have their cake AND eat it too!

Step 8: You can't have a fancy party without PARFAITS! Step 9: Make sure your name is Dawn or at least have some of her talents,

which include, but are not limited to:

Designer, Pastry Chef, Cake Decorator extraordinaire, Seamstress and party planner


  1. W*O*W!! S*u*c*h a f*a*n*c*y p*a*r*t*y r*e*q*u*i*r*e*s a f*a*n*c*y c*o*m*m*e*n*t!!

    T*h*e p*i*c*t*u*r*e o*f S*o*f*i*e i*s m*y very, very, very, very, very, VERY f*a*v*o*r*i*t*e

  2. You're much too kind - but thanks! And thanks for all your help!

  3. That is so cute! I love the Fancy Nancy books, I just read them all to Taylor yesterday! You are such a talented family!

  4. Oh so fancy! You are such a fun creative mom. I'll be callin you when I plan Julia's bday party.

  5. What a cute party! Seriously you guys are too much.

  6. You are such a good party mom. Everything looks darling. I bet those girls had a blast.

    ps. I'm a bit dizzy from reading Katie's comment. ;)

  7. Such Talent! Can she please share some???

  8. I am totally in love with this party and I kind of want to throw one just like it for would come right?

  9. Cute! Cute! Cute! It looks like pictures out of a magazine. I bet they had so much fun.

  10. We stumbled upon Fancy Nancy at the library the other week and Jordan LOVES it. I had no idea there was a fancy cult following! What a perfect idea! Cute Cute Cute!

  11. You are officially the CUTEST Mom ever! I love everything that you do!

  12. She really is quite extraordinary and your photos are as well!!

  13. beautiful! and katie aint bad at fancy comments. Boo!

  14. That party is exquisite (that's fancy for beautiful)

  15. I still haven't bought my girls the Fancy Nancy books. I have another friend that says they are great. I know that even with that kind of inspiration I could never pull off a party like one of yours or Dawn's. I was a little thrown off by the pumpkin instead of the flower. Cute! I love this time of year. Thank you for being "friend Jane" (said in a deep two year old voice.)

  16. You must be related, I think I have heard you have some of those fancy genes too! =)
