Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Julia!

The sweetest girl I know turned 6 today

She was put in charge of all activities for the day. She isn't having a friends party so I told her she could invite a friend to join us.

Lunch: In-N-Out.

Activity: Shopping for jewelry, clothes and stuffed animals
followed by crafts at home

After dinner : Spoiled rotten and well deserved.

Happy Birthday sweet Julia !


  1. What a sweetie. I love the pic with the twins standing off to the side looking mischievous :)

  2. Happy birthday Julia! You are the sweetest girl I know too.

    PS I can see JUST enough of your family room to want to see more!!

  3. Happy Birthday Julia! Looks like it was a lot of fun. You have such an awesome mom...I'm sure your dad is pretty cool too. lol ;) Looks like you got some pretty fun presents too.

  4. What a fun day for a precious girl!

  5. Happy Birthday you 6 year old!

    I saw her at school and told her happy birthday, what a sweetheart she is. Looks like she had a fun day with London. A pink DS, you lucky girl!

  6. Happy Birthday Julia...we sure love having you in our Primary class!

  7. She's a beauty. Happy Birthday Julia.

  8. She is the sweetest! We love her! Happy Birthday Julia!

  9. I can't believe she is six! Happy Birthday Julia. =)
