Saturday, October 24, 2009

Yummy fall treat

This simple treat is a family tradition, I don't remember a Halloween growing up where there wasn't a big glass pumpkin full of this. It is the perfect combination of sweet and salty, soft and crunchy. It is kind of snicker-ish-y tasting, and you don't even miss the chocolate. I dare you to sit in front of a bowl of this and not eat every last corn and grain of salt. (P.S. Target does not carry Spanish peanuts, I already checked)


  1. This brings back such happy fall memories!

  2. Now add to the candy corn and nuts a cup of recess pieces and mix it with 12 cups of popcorn. Melt a pound of white chocolate and pour it over that mixture. Now I dare you not to eat any of that. :)

  3. Ruthanne, you are KILLING me. I gotta try that.

  4. oh, hey, I was just going to suggest the white chocolate and the popcorn thing but someone else already knows it! little boo treats for the neighbors!

  5. I just wish I had Mom's glass pumpkin jar to put them in!

    Thank you for the reminder! I literally read this, then went to Von's and bought some. I'm putting them in clear bags tied with Halloween ribbon for visiting teaching gifts this week.

    Cause I know everyone is DYING to know about my visiting teaching gifts.

  6. If it tastes anything like a Snickers then I have to try it...I am a sucker for the Snickers :)

  7. I love the mix of sweet and salty... popcorn with m&m's, pretzels in chocolate, you name it, sooooo yummy. I'll have to try this.

    I have to say, I have tried Ruthy's little concoction... very, very good, but totally addicting :)
