Monday, April 13, 2009

31 dates in 31 days !

No, not me. I wish me and Aaron could find the time and funds to go on 31 dates in 31 days. I guess we could, if you count eating dinner at a table with four little people as a date or if bathing, brushing and flossing four kids together could be date material.
This is all about one of my favorite people, my friend from high school, Janelle. She is going on 31 dates in 31 days for 31 final days of her 31st year and I want to help, but I need YOU to help me help her.

Isn't she gorgeous?
She lives in Las Vegas and needs more dates, do you know anyone that would like to
go on a date with a
beautiful, fun, adventurous, smart and funny girl?

Actually, who wouldn't?
(only a damn fool, as my dad used to tell me)

Her website is

Help me find a fun guy for her to go on one of her 31 dates with. I think that this will be so fun for everyone involved, I can't wait to read about all 31 dates and see pictures.

He should be in the Las Vegas area, unless you know of a super rich, fun, handsome
guy that would fly her somewhere for a date, why not?

Spread the word.

Thanks everyone!!


  1. Thanks Jane!! I already have one date from your blog!! ;)

  2. Janelle is a TOTAL CATCH!!!!

    And according to Jack, an excellent babysitter.
