Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mischief Makers

What did YOUR two year olds do today?

It is a mighty good thing they are so cute and that I love them SO.
(And 8t is a m8racle 8 can f8gure out wh8ch key 8s wh8ch.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ah, it looks like twins aren't all they're cracked up to be.

    NOW can I have them??

  3. Wow! I can't believe it still works! =) Oh & your hair looks adorable by the way- I love the cut!

  4. My niece did that to mine (but not as many keys) and I was able to order new keys (mine was still under warranty so I am not sure how much it cost.

  5. Oh no! That is funny to read. I hope you figure it out. Good Luck!

  6. Speaking from experience... you can order a new set of keys from IBM for a nominal fee (under $20)and then you just pop open the case and set the keyboard in.

    Oh... good luck to you!!!!

    And I'd love to see a pic of the new hair cut!!

  7. Oh no! What a disaster.

    I saw your cute sister-in-law on FOX 13 tonight.

  8. OOOOh... that is not pretty! It IS a good job those girls are so dang cute!

    You probably already thought of this, but until you get a new keyboard in there you can always plug a USB one in to the back... Better than trying to type on that!

    Sorry :(

  9. I find it hard to believe those sweet girls could do such a thing! Yeah, right! I have a two year old girl and I know what they're made of! I'm so sorry. Big time bummer! But here's something that may cheer you's the link to where I found that turkey craft idea. Maybe it would help to make two turkeys.... :)(just don't include your keyboard as something you're thankful for, it might bring back bad memories:)

    Can't wait to see you Wednesday! Oh, and tell your amazing mother that those lemon drop cookies were gone last night, I loved them and I love her!

  10. TEE HEE HEE! I am SO glad Ty is not the only monster two year old that can make all sorts of mischief in a matter of seconds.

    You were right, I think I would have had a heart attack if I had walked in to see that. You will have to let me know if you find a better time out spot;>

  11. You have got to be kidding me...I think I would have a hard time responding to this...i'd want to cry and try to laugh but then just might die! Then again, i would have assumed the whole thing was done...I suppose I am lucky i haven't had to experience such things! Glad to know it's cheap to fix.

    My boys stacked up all of our loose brick in our walkway one WAS a little "loose" and ugly before, but then they proudly exclaimed their work to me when half the walkway was in a pile...needless to say, we desperately need a new walkway now!

  12. oh my goodness! I loved what you wrote to accompany the picture. So funny.

  13. Oh no! Those keys are so hard for me to peel off. How did they do that?

  14. okay I'm guessing you have another computer. That is something my little 21 month old would do!
    So she was really quiet the other day, I was reading to Katie, I checked on her and she had got hold of my lipstick. I should have taken a picture BUT I was so stressed it was such a MESS. Thank goodness for the love...right!

  15. Looks like my computer! At least you have a good sense of humor about it (enough to post it, anyway.) I'd be freaking out.

  16. Oh man! Ha ha! I just read Katie's post. Too funny.

    You are an amazing photographer!
