Thursday, January 31, 2008

Best Buddies

James has been off track and he and Julia have so much fun together. One of my favorite things in the world is when they spend hours playing busily together. This photo is one afternoon during quiet time when they decided to watch a movie together. They cozied up the whole time. They are little buddies.


  1. Hey Jane...

    Yipee a fun way to keep up with you and your cute family!! Thanks for sending this to me...your kids are so cute and I look forward to reading up on the crazy life you must live with 4 kids including TWO toddlers -) Keep in touch and i will do the same...due in 2 weeks with my 1st little girl! =)

  2. I love your blog title! Thanks for sending me this. Welcome to the blogging world... but be warned. Blogging will soon become one of those little obsessions that you can't live without! It's marvelous! :)

  3. Maybe I will take these two also. I am so lucky to have such cute kids right next door, they can teach my little one how to be cute!

  4. Hi Jane! I'm so glad that you started a blog! I just barely started one as well. I hope you guys are doing well and we need to get together soon!

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