Sunday, February 13, 2011


Look how cute this Valentine is that my mom gave to all her grandkids, I love it and wanted to share it. So cute yet so simple and easy to do last minute if you need to. The card:


Speaking of Valentine's, check out the cake that my sister in law made for me (not to mention 24 other people!). Isn't it gorgeous!?!?!? I am not sure I will be able to cut into it, it is to cute. I told her that I am going to wear the gum paste flower in my hair or decorate my house with it.

Happy Birthday James

James turned 10 today. For his birthday we let him invite one friend to go to a basketball game. This boy is nothing but basketball and football. He talks in his sleep sometimes and it is always things like, "go long for it!", "he's wide open, pass the ball!" or "score! " I am certain that he dreams of nothing but sports. We can't help but call him Jimmer these days, it is a name that is mentioned a lot at our house, this is our most favorite Jimmer, 10 years old:These two are quite the pair! They spent a majority of the afternoon before the game working on these signs.

Happy Birthday to my most favorite boy! We adore you!!!