Saturday, April 17, 2010

This is our house!

We decided to sign Julia up for soccer with her cute friend London. Today was the first game & she had an absolutely wonderful time!

Her team, although much smaller than their opponents, won! Do you think it could be that the 5 year olds were intimidated by her older brother and his signage?
He was so excited for his sister that he spent the past three days prepping her for the big game. He showed her many fancy moves and told her time and again not to be afraid to slide!

PS - He scored a touchdown today at his first game of the season!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Grandpa Joe & Arnold Friberg

If you recognize this painting:
then you are probably familiar with the great artist, Arnold Friberg. My Grandpa Joe & Arnold Friberg were close friends for over 70 years. Mr. Friberg was also famous for painting the sets for THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Every Easter when the movie is shown, I'm reminded of this photo:
Arnold Friberg with my Grandpa wearing the actual robe
that Moses (Charlton Heston) wore in the movie.

PS - Notice George Washington's hands - - they are modeled after my grandpa.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another take on "magic" jelly beans

Since we woke up to this today:
I thought I would test our "magic" jelly beans in the snow
Welcome to Easter in Utah!