Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Craft

I thought I would share an idea for an easy and inexpensive craft. It seems like every holiday I decorate with candy. I have candy for eating and candy for decorating, the candy I use in these is now three years old ~ it's great, I am not tempted and my kids know it is "yucky and old" so they don't even ask.
Anyway, on to the craft.

Here are the supplies you need:
I bought these all at Michaels, I am sure you can get them at any ol' craft store. I spent a total of 17 dollars to make the following three and that is without any coupons or sales.

I don't have step by step photos or directions, I really don't think it is necessary. It is helpful, however, to have a sister-in-law who has a craft room like a celebrity and is so generous to cut the vinyl snowflakes for me. Thanks Alissa!! You really could do a million things with this, any holiday would be cute. Who doesn't love a gumball machine? If you make one, please share the finished product ~ we'd all love to see it.

Times two

It is just my opinion,

but I think four feet

are WAY better

than two

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I asked each of my kids what they are Thankful for, these are their honest answers. These will be fun for me to look back on each year as they grow. I took these pictures today, I found it funny the twins were watching their daddy set up the tree wearing bathing suits and angel wings - they love to dress up! Julia had a Thanksgiving feast at kindergarten, I caught James after playing long and hard in the snow with his buddies.
Happy Thanksgiving
This is what we are thankful for:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busy, busy kids

My mom watched my kids last week so I could run some errands. While I was gone she taught James and Julia a new craft. They haven't stopped since. The first day they needed constant help but now they can thread a needle, separate the thread, and put the hoop on the fabric. I am amazed at how many little projects Julia has finished all by herself. She has already made my Christmas gift, which I am certain will be one of my most favorite gifts this year. James was reluctant at first until he heard how his Uncle Jack is quite crafty. Uncle Jack is really cool and tough and way into sports so that gave James the green light. Besides, a missionary needs to know how to sew. And someday I bet his wife will be happy he can do basic sewing, right?

These are all original designs, the pile has grown tenfold since I took this.