Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Flower Power times two

We celebrated Ava and Adalie's 2nd birthday with all things flower.

Cake by Dawn

Cousins: Sofia, Bella, Julia, Jolie, Ava, Reed, James, Addie Jo, and Leah.

Face Painting

Fruit Boquet by my sis Katie
Boys are outnumbered around here

Favors- If cousins were flowers, we would pick you! marker sets.

Yum Yum

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Celebrating Pioneer Day

The Dana way.
Covered wagon made by my ever talented Uncle Reed
(featuring George and Ava)

Ava enjoying the wagon
Just a few of the 199 descendants (and counting) of Joe and Dora Dana
Cousin Parade

cousins Bella, Julia and Jolie


Sunday, July 20, 2008

My idea of roughing it

You only have to go as far as your own backyard.

This is becoming a weekly thing around here.

They love . . .

Crayola sand!
Kept 'em busy for HOURS. Thank you Crayola.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It comes naturally

People pay good money for a 'do like this:
My Adalie creates it in her sleep

( I did not alter this in anyway, she honestly woke up exactly like this.

Not only is she cute, she is talented too! )

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Confessions of a mother of identical twins

1. I once gave a prescription medicine to the wrong baby.

2. I took both babies to the doctor, only one was sick, and didn't realize until we were done that I had them check, weigh, undress, etc., the wrong baby.

3. I was in the rocking chair, singing to AVA a song at the top of my lungs about how much "I love Addie Jo oh so" and how "Addie Jo is my favorite girl that I ever did know" and "I love Adalie wherever I go" and so on and so on (and so on). It wasn't until my song was over that I realized I was singing to Ava. I tried to make up for it by quickly adding, "and I love you Ava too!"

4. Last week we went outside to play in the water for TWO HOURS in the PEAK HOURS of sun. That night while giving the babies a bath, I realized that I applied sunblock to Adalie two times, and Ava no times. She got a horrible sunburn and I feel very bad about it.