Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pantry: Organized!

So, is is weird that I am envious of my own pantry? I spent three hours on it tonight and this is the end result. Much better than it was, don't you think? I am a little embarassed to share with you the before, but it makes the after that much better. Thanks Breena for the can sorter idea, I found some from Shelf Reliance that rotate them. They are awesome! I also bought two boxes of snap and lock containers from costco. I eliminated a TON of cardboard boxes and replaced them with clear, plastic ones. This is so much fun! Next I am onto James's room. (And in case you were wondering, yes, that is 53 boxes of cereal on the top shelf, I like to stock up when I can get stuff free or really cheap. I don't usually pay more than .50 to.75 per box of cereal.) Someday I will get into that more. For now, lets all enjoy the views of a clean pantry.


Monday, February 25, 2008


I can't tell you how many times I have cleaned out closets and drawers only to find they are messy a week later. I feel often that all I do is wander around the house picking up stuff. I decided I needed to learn how to organize the right way so it will stay clean. I have spent a greater part of this week tearing my house apart and organizing it. I went to the library and got some books on organizing and got some great advice from my very organized mom. I am going through a closet or shelf one at a time, emptying it, measuring it, buying containers and labeling everything.

I read that being organized will:

save you time.
save you money.
improve your relationships.
make you happier and feel more accomplished.

I can see why these are all so true. I know that once I am done, I will spend more time with my kids, I will read more and be more productive. I am sure I will also be in a better mood. I have gotten rid of a ton of stuff and am simplifying as much as possible. I love the simple, clean, uncluttered feel. I even have more energy. My first miracle of this was we left for church and the house was CLEAN!! It usually looks like a tornado hit. Not yesterday, everything was in its place. And we were even on time. I feel like I am in control of the messes in my house now, all the toys are out of the kids reach and everything has a place. Here are a couple pictures of my organized house I have been so busy working on.

Before After

My next space to attack is the pantry. Please give me any ideas , suggestions and pictures that work for you. Once I got started organizing, I can't stop. I won't stop until it is done and I am having a great time doing it. Also, I would love more ideas for toy organizing. If you are organized, please send me tips. If you aren't, get moving, it will change your life.

Jumping little ladies

This is what I get to see every morning. I will never get tired of it.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Air blow matress friday

"Air Blow Mattress Friday"

Friday night is our, as Julia calls it, Air Blow Mattress Friday. This week we blew up our new jumping room instead of the air mattress. The kids get crazy excited when Aaron starts to pump it up. We have a big slumber party in the family room, it is so cozy. Tonights movie was E.T., the kids had never seen it and I thought they would like it. After a long and busy week, it is fun to just hang out and be cozy and eat popcorn on our "air blow matress".
Indiana James

We had an Indiana James birthday party today. The medallion cake is compliments of Dawn's cakes, my beautiful, wonderfully talented, funny, amazing, fun and generous sister-in-law. Click here to check out some of her other cakes (there is a slide show on the right hand side). The boys played a mummy wrapping game, dug in a tub of slimy snakes for jewels, played hot potato with a grenade and hunted for the treasure. I never know a group of 7 and 8 year old boys would be so full of energy, so silly and like to say so many potty words. They were all so cute and a good time was had by all!
Our Happy Valentine's Day

Silly Husband

Aaron always asks for my mom's advice when deciding on a gift for me. A few days before Valentine's Day he called her for suggestions. She told him that whenever we go to the mall I try on Escada Sunset Heat perfume. He said that didn't sound very good, he thought she said Sunset Feet. He headed to the mall to get me my perfume and forgot what she said so he remembered a long time ago I wanted DKNY Be Delicious. He asked for Be Happy instead and I ended up with Clinique Happy. I thought the whole process was rather funny. Needless to say, I am very Happy with my gift, thanks handsome! (I think next time I will consider using my sister Katie's great idea.)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to
my very best buddy!

Seriously, is he not the most handsome kid you

have ever seen, seriously?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sneaky Ava

Cookie Decorating
They started out busy
Then Ava had a sly plan

Addie Jo didn't like the plan so much

She quickly forgave Ava when she returned her candy.
And all was well in the Basinger home again.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bows, bows and more bows

These are just some of the bows in our house, we have hundreds. Thanks to my generous and talented sister Katie.

For the cutest bows ever, click here to visit her website. Her bows are perfection! She has tons of colors to choose and all the right styles.
Thanks Aunt Katie!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dressing Up

The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend. ~Cali Rae Turner

Sunday, February 3, 2008

James LOVES football. He is an early riser and for years has woken up at 6:00 am and watched the Disney Channel. I have noticed the past few weeks when he wakes up I hear Sports Center playing in the family room. His favorite activity lately is playing his xbox NCAA game, and man is he good! He can beat Aaron at it any day. Today he had so much fun watching his team win. Go Giants!!

Sunday Morning

Good Morning, Brrrrrrrr

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Last night was date night for me and Aaron so we went shopping and ate at Chili's. We never order dessert, but their new white chocolate molten cake was SCREAMING my name. White chocolate cake with a warm white chocolate filling, raspberry sauce and white chocolate curls. Topped with vanilla ice cream under a crunchy white chocolate shell. Oh my goodness, it is so sweet, rich, white chocolate-y and delicious. Next time you are at Chili's, save room for dessert! Or just go for dessert sometime, especially if you like white chocolate, there is a ton of it in this. And if you come across the recipe, send it my way. I am already planning on having it for my birthday.